The Buck Stopped Here: Eureka Good Samaritan Tries To Help Distressed Deer

Crazy story out of Eureka, as a distressed deer was helped out of danger by a brave bystander. Here’s KRCR ABC TV in Redding:

On Monday, Oct. 7, a bystander attempted to free a large buck struggling to take wires off it’s antlers, the bystander was seen wrestling the buck during the attempt.

“The man was wrestling with a four by three buck, that means it had three points on one side and four on the other and he was pulling wire off the buck, and he got the wire off of the three-point side, but he couldn’t get it off of the four,” said retired Insurance Agent, Paul Nicholson, who was a witness of the scene.

When the California Department of Fish and Wildlife arrived at the scene, they darted the deer to reduce the stress of the buck, the antlers were sawed off, an ear tag was placed and the deer was set free.