Supreme Court Decision On Utah Federal Land Swipe Attempt A Win For Hunters, Anglers Everywhere

Photo by Bureau of Land Management

As our sister magazine Northwest Sportsman says, a United States Supreme Court decision just rejecting to hear arguments that would be a land grab by the state of Utah is a win for hunters and anglers. If successful it would have put 18.5 million acres of public federal land into state control, so the attempt was shot down should be considered a win for other Western states’ lands as it pertains to outdoor opportunities.

Here are some details from Reuters:

The justices declined to allow Utah to pursue a lawsuit directly before the high court challenging the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s administration of about 18.5 million acres of public land that state leaders have repeatedly urged the federal government to relinquish ownership over.

Environmental groups hailed the Supreme Court’s decision to turn away the case, which they said could have implicated more than 200 million acres of public lands across the West and exposed them to privatization and oil and gas drilling.

“We’re grateful the Supreme Court swiftly rejected the State of Utah’s misguided land grab lawsuit,” Steve Bloch, legal director for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, said in a statement.

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers also chimed in on the SCOTUS ruling:

Washington, D.C. — Today the U.S. Supreme Court announced their decision to reject hearing a lawsuit filed by the State of Utah in late summer that threatened the very foundation of America’s public lands legacy. Patrick Berry, President and CEO of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, heralded the dismissal of Utah v. United States and issued the following response: 

“Today’s rejection of Utah’s attempted land grab reaffirms what we’ve long known: These lands belong to all Americans and were never Utah’s to take. Not only did this case threaten to seize 18.5 million acres of federal land from public ownership, but it set in motion the potential to dismantle America’s public lands system enjoyed by millions of hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts. If successful, Utah’s lawsuit could have endangered the very existence of federal public lands in every corner of the country, undermining access and opportunities enjoyed by millions of Americans. 

While this announcement represents a significant development toward defending our public lands, waters, and wildlife, BHA remains vigilant. Utah’s underhanded stunt attracted an unfortunate show of support from 13 states and numerous elected officials, underscoring the need for continued and widespread action to protect our shared public lands. If the State of Utah tries to continue moving forward with this reckless case through other legal means, or should other public officials pursue legislative or administrative actions that undermine our public lands legacy, BHA stands ready to once again lead the fight on behalf of hunters and anglers across the country.” 

Join BHA in staying the course and ensuring that public lands remain in public hands. Visit today to learn more and take action against future attempts to privatize our shared heritage.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers seeks to ensure North America’s outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of wild public lands, waters, and wildlife. To learn more about issues important to BHA’s membership, visit