A Remarkable Dog Rescue And Survival Story

This is one of those you can’t believe it stories until you believe it. But the dog pictured above was part of a heartwarming rescue after what had to be a harrowing ordeal at sea. From ABC News:
A dog who fell off a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean and had been “presumed dead” more than a month ago has now been found alive by Navy officials on an island 80 miles off the coast of San Diego, California.
The 1-year-old German Shepherd, named Luna, was first reported missing the morning of Feb. 10 about 2 miles off of San Clemente Island by her owner — Nick Hayworth, a fisherman — according to Sandy DeMunnik, public affairs officer for the US Navy’s Naval Base Coronado.
“He told us Luna was a very powerful swimmer and that he was 90 percent sure she’d head for shore,” DeMunnik said. “So our staff searched the island, but with no luck. He stayed in the area for two more days to look for her, and after a week, we considered her lost at sea and presumed dead.”
Only Luna somehow was alive when Navy personnel found her on the island. She was deemed healthy besides being a little malnourished, having probably sustained on mice. Luna is one tough and brave dog!