A Possible Mountain Lion Sighting… In My Hometown

I grew up in San Bruno, a suburb of San Francisco adjacent to San Francisco International Airport. Whenever I see any interesting headlines from my town I get curious. I remember when I first saw Seabiscuit for the first time I saw it with my sisters when they were visiting me in Southern California. There’s a scene in the film where Seabiscuit does a training run at Tanforan Racetrack – the movie suggests it’s the first time the famed colt’s owner Charles Howard realized he had a horse that was capable of being something. I probably said too loudly to my sisters with a full theater around us, “Hey, that’s San Bruno!”
(Tanforan Racetrack eventually burned in a 1964 fire and was not rebuilt, but Seabiscuit indeed has a history both there and at Bay Meadows down the road in San Mateo, which is also now closed. The site of Tanforan became a mall I spent much of my childhood at, but there is a cool statue of Seabiscuit in front of a Barnes and Noble and just to the right of a Hooters, so there’s that. There’s also this mural of the horse that I took in downtown San Bruno on a recent visit home).

Anyway, now that I’ve probably bored you into submission, I’ll get to the point, SFGate.com reported that an uncomfirmed report of a mountain lion was spotted near San Bruno’s Parkside Intermediate School (yes, I attended seventh and eighth grade at Parkside, but that’s all I’ve got. Parkside’s mascot is the Panther, but maybe there will be a push to change it to the Cougars if the big cat ever gets positively identified).
Here’s some video from KRON TV:. That’s all from San Bruno for now!