Passengers, Crew Safe After San Diego-Based Fishing Boat Sinks In Pacific

Tragedy was avoided well off the San Diego coast when a sportfishing boat sank, but all 17 people aboard were rescued.

Here’s some video from San Diego’s CBS 8:

And some additional details from the TV station:

According to a statement Captain Patrick Dorety posted to Facebook,  

“At 10:35 this morning, while monitoring along out at Cortez Bank, we collided with something floating under the surface. The collision caused the portside bow to break away, and caused the jig strike to quickly take on water. I had enough time to grab the radio and put out a mayday call to the partner boats in the area, while the passengers were mustered to the stern and the crew passed out life jackets.”

Captain Dorety explained The Legend,  another boat based out of H&M Landing, came to their rescue and transported everyone back home.