Massive Collins Lake Bass; Tagged Trout Planted


David Bunting with a 6 1/2-pound Collins Lake rainbow 


Yesterday (Thursday),  we planted our first allotment of tagged trout, and will continue for the next six weeks. If you catch a trout with a tag on it, there is value to the tag which needs to be redeemed in the store. A red tag is $100 cash and the highest value, a blue tag is $10 off a T-shirt or ballcap, a green Tag is $5 off your day entry or camping fees, and a white tag gets you a FREE ICE CREAM!

California Department of Fish & Game also stocked the lake yesterday which makes our weekly total to roughly 2,000 pounds  of rainbows. The lake’s temperature is now 60 degrees at 5 feet down. That explains why a lot of bass were caught this week. One couple caught and released 50 trout in a two-day period. They were fishing across the face of the dam and up to the first point tossing plastic worms in and around the rocks.


Tom Ives caught and released a massive Collins Lake bass  believed to be around 10 pounds. 

More info: or 1-800-286-0576