Manzanar Fishing Club Director To Lead Tour Of Camp And Surrounding Trout Streams

Director Cory Shiozaki will lead a tour of Manzanar National Historic Site and discuss those interred Japanese-Americans who found ways to fish for trout in the Eastern Sierra. (CORY SHIOZAKI) 

In 2019, we profiled Cory Shiozaki’s film The Manzanar Fishing Club, an inspiring documentary about Japanese-Americans interred at the Eastern Sierra concentration camp, and how many of the prisoners slipped out of the facility and fished the areas’s renowned trout streams. Shiozaki and members of his film crew will be appearing at Manzanar National Historic Site on Saturday, June 18 for an audio tour at the site and surrounding areas, They’ll discuss those interred Americans who managed to find time for the simple pleasure of fishing during some of the darkest days of their lives.

Here’s more on the event from a Facebook post:

Please join filmmaker Cory Shiozaki and his docent colleagues Michael Nakamura and Dylan Wakasa in an illustrated talk and guided walking tour of incarcerees who snuck out of Manzanar during their forced removal to go trout fishing while they were under the watchful eye of armed guards during WWII. Any questions please email me: