Lessons Pay Off For Young Archers In Program

The following press release is courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife:
The California National Archery in the Schools Program (CalNASP), hosted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), has concluded its sixth annual Virtual State Archery Tournament and the students wrapped up the season with some impressive scores.
“We would like to congratulate all of the students that participated in this year’s Virtual State Archery Tournament and we would especially like to commend the top boy and girl shooter of the tournament,” said Lesa Johnston, CDFW CalNASP Coordinator. “These young archers took their training very seriously and worked hard throughout the school year to develop the skill it takes to be precise and consistent in a competition.”
Manly Arvizo, a 12th grader at Sultana High School in San Bernardino County came in as the top boy shooter and top overall shooter in the state competition with a score of 290 points out of a possible score of 300. Manly came in second in last year’s tournament. Manly is planning to enter the Marine Corps after graduation, so when he is not practicing archery, he focuses on physical fitness training. Manly is also a member of his school’s Outdoor Club and enjoys a variety of outdoor pursuits.
Melissa Osorio, an 11th grader from Kearny High School in San Diego County, is the top girl shooter for the second year in a row with a score of 284 out of a possible 300. Melissa also came in second place as overall shooter in the tournament. When Melissa is not practicing archery, she enjoys spending time with her friends, playing tennis or watching movies.
Both shooters will each receive a new Genesis Special Edition compound bow donated by the manufacturer to the schools. Their coaches will present the bows to them.
The Virtual State Archery Tournament is designed to give students the opportunity to challenge their mastery of the sport in a supportive environment in which they can compete with other students statewide without traveling. Students compete at their own school either in a gymnasium or an outdoor range and their scores are posted in a national database that not only ranks the state scores, but also provides coaches with national rankings to report to students. The state tournament is a qualifier for the national tournament, which will be held in Kentucky this May.
Honorable mentions were given to: James Bui, ninth grader from Sultana High School, rank two as the overall boy shooter and third overall state shooter; Selena Schmidt, 10th grader from Sultana High School, second place overall girl shooter and fourth overall state shooter; Lilly Bell, 12th grader from Sultana High School, tied for second place overall girl shooter and fourth overall state shooter; Patrick Allain, 12th grader from Calaveras High School in northern California, third overall boy shooter and number five shooter in the overall state ranking.
Archery is a sport that can be enjoyed by students of all abilities and sizes – it can be enjoyed outdoors and encourages students to lead a more active lifestyle. For more information about CalNASP and how it can be implemented into your community schools, please visitwww.wildlife.ca.gov/calnasp.