Instructions should be very specific to Hunters
In an emergency situation, rescuers should be very specific with instructions to hunters and this video shows why.
Hunters and outdoorsmen have been known to be a very literal and straightforward group of people. Perhaps that’s why rescue should be very specific with instructions, otherwise you end up with someone taking what they say quite literally and end up making the wrong choices, like this unfortunate fellow.
Rednecks…you gotta love um!!
Posted by David Cain
While this is just a funny clip, it does bring to light the issue that some hunters are quite literal and whether you are a rescue worker or not they may have the tendency to do exactly what you say, whether it’s what you meant or not.
But I think the overall advice we can learn from this video is to never ask a hunter to “Make sure he’s dead.”
by Chris Buckner
Source: David Caine Facebook