Great White Shark Status To Be Reviewed
Sorry for another shark tidbit, but this is from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife:
Department of Fish and Wildlife Releases White Shark Status Review under the California Endangered Species Act
APRIL 4, 2014
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has released a full status review of the Northeast Pacific population of white shark under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).
The review document is available at
In completing the review, CDFW determined that the best scientific information available indicates the petitioned action is not warranted and recommends the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) not list the Northeast Pacific population of white shark as threatened or endangered under CESA.
At a future meeting, the Commission will make a final decision on whether or not to list the Northeast Pacific population of white shark as a threatened or endangered species under CESA.
Please check the Commission website at for more information.