Delay In Crabbing Season Taking A Toll On Bay Area Commercial Fishing Fleet
Last week, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced trap restrictions for recreational crabbers in some zones, and more importantly delayed the commercial Dungeness season opener due to fear of whale entanglements in boats’ nets and meat quality concerns. KGO’s ABC 7 in the San Francisco area reported on the toll the delay is having right around the start of the holiday season. See video above and here’s some additional info:
This has been his new normal for several years now. For the fifth season in a row, commercial Dungeness crab season is delayed. The CDFW delayed the season due to bad meat quality and humpback whales off the coast. This creates a financial burden for Juanes and other fishers. Salmon season was canceled this year. Juanes relies on both for his income.
“It has been a struggle this year,” he said. “This has been really tough. Salmon is about half my income, and crab is another half of my income. With the economy and everything else, it has been very difficult.”
He might not be able to afford gifts for his family in time for the holidays.