Deer Killed By Bowhunter On Residential Street
The above video coems from Los Angeles CBS TV affiliate KCAL. A young buck was fatally shot by a bowhunter in a residential neighborhood in Monrovia, though the hunter who came forward said he was legally hunting in the nearby forested area and was humanely trying to finish off the already hit deer.
Here’s more from the report:
Rodriguez said he shot the deer earlier that day in deer hunting Zone D-11 above Monrovia but failed to kill the animal.
“I didn’t want it to suffer any more than it had to because of my bad shot,” he said. “It moved at the exact time I fired my arrow so I didn’t hit in the kill zone. I hit it high in the back of the spine area.”
Rodriguez said the wounded deer ran off and he was able to track it to the neighborhood in Monrovia Hills.
“I wasn’t up there to shoot an animal in a residential area,” Rodriguez insisted. “I was following up a wounded animal and trying to take him out so he wasn’t suffering any more.”
Some residents aren’t believing it.
“I think he’s got a little fib going here covering his tracks,” resident Robyn Tapert said. “So don’t come back and do that in our neighborhood because we actually care for the wildlife up here.”
California Department of Fish and Wildlife officials are investigating the incident.