CDFW Reminds California Salmon Anglers Fishing In Oregon Waters: Bring Caught Salmon Back North Of Border

The following press release is courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife:



Important Information for California Anglers Bound for Oregon’s Recreational Ocean Salmon Fisheries: Oregon Salmon Must be Brought onto Oregon Shores

With the 2024 closure of ocean salmon fisheries in California, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) officials are reminding anglers of important rules relating to transport of salmon taken from Oregon into California.

In ocean waters any salmon taken in Oregon fisheries may not be brought to shore in California. However, it is legal for Californians to trailer their vessels to launch and fish from Oregon ports under applicable Oregon fishing licenses, regulations and reporting requirements. Salmon harvested in Oregon may be brought into California over land if also accompanied by a California Declaration for Entry Form. The declaration must be completed at or prior to the time of entry. After the time of entry, a copy of the completed declaration shall be submitted to CDFW within 24 hours.

On May 16, 2024, the National Marine Fisheries Service on advice from the Pacific Fishery Management Council and West Coast fisheries agencies, including CDFW, took in season action to implement a landing boundary at the Oregon/California border for recreational ocean salmon fisheries in Oregon waters just north of California. The new requirement states that any salmon taken under Oregon sportfishing regulations in the area between Humbug Mountain and the Oregon/California border, also known as the Oregon Klamath Management Zone, must be landed north of the Oregon/California border for the 2024 fishing season.

Regulations for ocean salmon fisheries off the West Coast were published May 21, 2024, in the  Federal Register under citation 89 FR 44553 and went into effect May 16, 2024. The regulations implement the closure of California’s ocean salmon fisheries for the remainder of 2024 as recommended last month by the Pacific Fishery Management Council. Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 14, Section 1.95, ocean salmon sport fishing regulations in state waters automatically conform to federal regulations. More information about ocean salmon season closures and regulations can be found on CDFW’s ocean salmon web page at