CDFW Considering Listing Greater Sage-Grouse

The following is sent on behalf of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
CDFW file photo.

Notice and Request for Information: Greater Sage-grouse is a Candidate for Listing under CESA

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) has initiated a status review for the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and hereby solicits data and comments on the petitioned action to list this species as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) (Fish & G. Code, § 2074.4). Specifically, the Department requests data and comments regarding the greater sage-grouse’s ecology, genetics, life history, distribution, abundance, habitat, the degree and immediacy of threats to its reproduction or survival, the adequacy of existing management, and recommendations for management of the species.

The Department has initiated this status review following the determination by the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) on June 20, 2023 that the petition to list greater sage-grouse as threatened or endangered under CESA may be warranted. The greater sage-grouse is now a candidate species under CESA (Cal. Reg. Notice Register 2023, No. 26-Z, p.852) and as such, receives the same legal protection afforded to an endangered or threatened species (Fish & G. Code, §§ 2074.2 & 2085).

As of June 30, 2023, it is illegal to import, export, take (hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or attempt to do so), possess, purchase, or sell the greater sage-grouse or any part or product thereof (Fish & G. Code, §§ 86, 2080, 2085). However, the Department may authorize, through permits or memorandums of understanding, incidental take and take resulting from scientific, educational, or management activities such as research or restoration, or as otherwise allowed by California Fish and Game Code (Fish & G. Code, §§ 2081 subds. (a) & (b), 2080.1, 2089.2 et. seq., or 2086). For more information on take authorizations, visit

The Department respectfully requests that data and comments on the petitioned action be submitted before April 12, 2024 to allow sufficient time to evaluate this information during the status review period. Please submit such data and comments to the Department by email at and include “greater sage-grouse” in the subject line. Such data or comments may also be submitted by mail to California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Diversity Program, Attn: CESA Unit, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090.

As of June 30, 2023, the Department has 12 months to produce a peer reviewed report based on the best scientific information available, which will include a recommendation as to whether the petitioned action to list greater sage-grouse as threatened or endangered under CESA is warranted (Fish & G. Code, § 2074.6). The report will be made publicly available on the Department’s website at for at least 30 days before the Commission considers acting on the petition.

Please note, the Commission—which is a legally separate entity from the Department—is charged with making the final determination on whether to list a species as threatened or endangered under CESA (Fish & G. Code, § 2075.5). The Department serves in a scientific advisory role to the Commission during this process. See the California Fish and Game Commission Home Page ( for details on submitting comments to the Commission and receiving email alerts for upcoming Commission meetings. The listing petition, the Department’s petition evaluation report, and updates on the listing process are available at:

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Department by email at: