CDFW Catches Two Recreational Lobster Fishermen Removing Commercial Trap Catches

California Department of Fish and Wildlife officers spotted some suspicious activity by two lobster fishermen in Los Angeles County waters. CDFW posted this on Facebook:
During a late evening patrol earlier this month CDFW Fish and Wildlife Officers aboard patrol boat Coho issued multiple misdemeanor citations to two recreational anglers offshore of Rancho Palos Verdes in Los Angeles County. Officers observed a commercial lobster trap line attached to the anglers’ vessel that immediately raised suspicions. Tampering with or stealing catch from any commercial fishing trap is a misdemeanor violation punishable up to a fine of $1,000 for each violation and/or up to six months in jail. Due to quick actions of the officers and an inspection of the vessel, violations were found along with evidence of robbing commercial lobster traps. In total, the suspects were cited for an overlimit of lobsters (22 total lobsters), undersized lobsters (20 undersized lobsters), unmarked hoop nets, failure to prefill a lobster report card and for tampering with commercial lobster traps.