Low water levels and high surface temps on Northern California rivers like the Feather are a concern, but for now king salmon fishing is an option on the Sacramento. Friend of the blog/magazine Manuel Saldana Jr. of MSJ Guide Service reports...
From Caples Lake Resort Another 3-pound rainbow, caught August 23 by Alex Patz from Oakland, on a crawler behind flashers trolling behind a kayak at the Caples lake spillway. This 4-pound trophy German brown trout was caught on August 22 by Sacramento residents Jason &...
Where there’s one wolf there are bound to be more, an entire family actually. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s trail cam shot above shows what appears to be a family of five pups and other shots of individual adults....
The following report was written by San Diego Sportfishing: 13th ANNUAL YOUNG ANGLERS’ TOURNAMENT 2015 RESULTS An army of volunteers began arriving at sunup at Shelter Island pier in Point Loma on Saturday, August 8th. San Diego Sportfishing Council event...
Close CAL FIRE PIO Berlant ?@CALFIRE_PIO Aug 9 Photo of the fast moving 2,000 acre #JerusalemFire burning in Lake County. Add Napa County to the Northern California areas that are being terrorized by the Rocky Fire and the nearby Jerusalem Fire. Lake...
From Caples Lake Resort: This 3-pound trophy rainbow trout was caught by Sacramento resident Don Lewis, trolling with a florescent white and red Needlefish in 22 feet of water in the middle of Caples Lake. Don also hooked a...