Applications Now Being Accepted For Wetland Habitat Flooding Program
The following is courtesy of several California organizations, including Audubon California, California Waterfowl and Ducks Unlimited:
We are excited to announce that the application for the BirdReturns FALL WETLAND INCENTIVE PROGRAM is open now through June 9 (next Sunday)!
If you are a private wetland manager in the Central Valley (including Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin Valley, Delta, and Tulare regions), we invite you to participate.
This program aims to provide early flooded habitat for migrating shorebirds, early arrival waterfowl, and molting waterfowl . By gradually flooding-up seasonal wetlands and maintaining that water into the start of the hunting season, wetland managers can create this much needed habitat for migratory birds.
Curious about the bigger picture? Check out this video on our work studying migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway.
If you have a neighbor, friend, or favorite duck club that might be interested- we encourage you to share the program broadly! With new funding from CDFW, the program plans to scale up and include more participants!
To learn more about the program and to complete a quick online application, please visit the BirdReturns Website. We encourage you to carefully review the program details on the website before applying to ensure a smooth application process.
If you’ve already submitted your application, expect to receive notification of selection results in the first week of July.