Almost 400,000 Coleman National Fish Hatchery Chinook Perish In Accident

Photo by Coleman National Fish Hatchery

Apologies for not sharing this earlier in the week, but Coleman National Fish Hatchery  suffered the loss of 390,000 king salmon in a hatchery accident late last week. Here’s Redding’s ABC affiliate KRCR with more:

It happened Thursday night. Project Manager Brett Galyean said the team was tagging some of the fish until about midnight. Somehow, one of the raceway’s water wasn’t turned back on before staff left for the night. When they returned in the morning, three percent of the year’s production was dead.

Galyean said the salmon need fresh water to survive and they died from lack of oxygen. …

“It was somber. We had a great work week last week we released 200,000 Winter Chinook in Battle Creek and we had another release of Fall Chinook on station,” Galyean said. “So, we had a really busy positive week and to end it like that was horrible. It’s terrible any day.”