Agenda For Upcoming Fish And Game Commission Meeting
Here’s the agenda for the next meeting for the state’s California Fish and Game Commission Meeting:
The agenda for the May 19, 2022 California Fish and Game Commission meeting is available at FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID= 200469&inline.
Members of the public are welcome to participate in-person at one of several meeting locations. The meeting will be live-streamed for listening purposes only. Please refer to the agenda for details and important meeting information
Melissa Miller-Henson
Executive Director
California Fish and Game Commission
Here are the topics to be discussed:
- Central Valley sport fishing
Consider adopting proposed changes to Central Valley sport fishing regulations and consider taking final action under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Amend subsections 7.40(b)(4), (43), (66) and (80), Title 14, CCR)
- Klamath River Basin sport fishing
Consider adopting proposed changes to Klamath River Basin sport fishing regulations and consider taking final action under CEQA.
(Amend subsection 7.40(b)(50), Title 14, CCR) - Game fish contests
Discuss proposed changes to game fish contest regulations. (Amend Section 230, Title 14, CCR)
- Clarification of allowed and prohibited uses for state marine recreational management areas (SMRMAs)
Discuss proposed changes to clarify allowed and prohibited uses for SMRMAs. (Amend subsections 632(b)(9), (37), (41), (42) and (91), Title 14, CCR)