9-11 always a surreal anniversary
By Chris Cocoles on Sept. 11
It’s strange how days like today sneak up on you until you remember what we should think about. I would imagine my parents’ generation eventually started to remember but not always deeply reflect on Dec. 7, and how in 1941 how everything changed in Hawaii, let alone America. Sept. 11 will also live in infamy, and during a time when attacks on Syria appear to be imminent, it’s difficult to fathom where we are 12 years later following such a dark chapter in history.
I know that life goes on, but when I stop to think back about that day and really think, it’s just an eerie feeling. I flew on Sept. 10, 2011, from Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport, where I visited a friend, to Memphis and then back to my home (at the time) in Los Angeles. Then you wake up the next day and hear of atrocities and tragedies you never imagined would be possible.
I woke up this morning, walked my dog quickly, and reached my Seattle office navigating congested traffic as I have for last month since starting this new job. Just another typical Wednesday, right? But there’s always a sense of loss on this day. That’s the way it needs to be.