2024 Salmon Season Of Some Kind Could Be In The Works

Some promising news in a Mendocino Voice report this week: After the disheartening statewide salmon fishing closures last year, a California Department of Fish and Wildlife official suggested there will be some semblance of salmon fishing allowed in 2024. Here’s more:
Yaremko said there was a good possibility of the return of a salmon season, although it likely wouldn’t be a full season. She said initial numbers are better than last year, so regulators are likely to discuss reopening salmon fishing for some amount of time. “About the only thing I can say for sure is that it is unlikely to be a full season,” Yaremko said.
The effects of the closure predictably took a toll on the state’s fishing industry, including NOAA declaring disaster status for both the Sacramento and Klamath River’s fall-run Chinook fisheries.