When it comes to a bowhunting kill shot, this hunter got this shot down. This is the best way to the shortest blood trail. The goal is to get any good hit in the vital organs. This hunter hits it in...
Where to Bulls-Eye a deer Earlier in my years I had learned the skill of tracking, but as you know its a perishable skill. If you don’t track much, chances are you wouldn’t be a good tracker. My thought was that...
Something isn’t right with a buck nicknamed ‘Big Nutz.’ With a name like Big Nutz, it’s pretty easy to guess how the deer got it’s nickname. Jeremy Beck posted a video on Instagram that has the hunting community scratching their heads....
This guy can be the next American Sniper, no not likely. Ok maybe he’s just having a bad day. A very bad day. Maybe he’s experimenting a bent barrel, or using a lighter grain ammo. Amazingly, the buck barely moves in...
Freeing locked-up bucks is always risky, generally locked-up bucks are usually dead. Antler entanglement is the norm, while fighting can lead to the demise of some whitetail. The video below highlights our upstanding heroes untangling the two gladiators. Unfortunately, one buck...
Ever Wonder what happens to that gut pile? Camera Trail record shows You’ve heard it before: you should never gut a deer near your treestand. At least, that is a popular theory. As the saying goes, if you gut a deer...