Shasta Water Level’s Rising Good For Houseboaters
Release and photos courtesy of
Thanks to just two major storms this winter season, Shasta Lake has risen nearly 100’ since its low point at the beginning of December 2014. Though California remains in a drought, this bounty of water makes it time to look at the positives and get back to enjoying the wonders of majestic Shasta Lake this season. Nature is beckoning you, with over 270 miles of shoreline to explore, fish, hunt and hike.
You may well know that Shasta Lake contains an abundant variety of fish species. These species include: brown trout, rainbow trout, Chinook salmon, largemouth bass, spotted bass, smallmouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, carp, Sacramento sucker, Sacramento squawfish, riffle sculpin, black fish, hardhead minnow, white sturgeon, channel squawfish, threadfin shad, white catfish, brown bullhead, golden shiner and green sunfish. For those that don’t own a boat to visit the many coves and nooks for the best fishing, rental boats are available from Jones Valley Resort in the Pit River Arm of Shasta. Fishing vacations are a popular activity on the lake as well, with a plethora of houseboat models in a variety of price ranges available from Jones Valley Resort ( and others.
For the novice fishers, and even the experienced pros who want to use their precious non-working hours efficiently, professional fishing guides are available to take you out on Shasta Lake. A few include:
Sac River Guide (
Mike’s Fishing Guide Service (
Shasta Lake is unparalleled in California for its size and beauty. Known as the ‘houseboat capital of the world’, the lake is widely popular during the boating season that roughly starts annually with Memorial Day weekend and ends with Labor Day weekend. But for the true lake lover, special timeframes to visit are in the spring while the wildflowers are blooming and wildlife awakening, and in early fall when both the water and days remain warm and the lake is a calm oasis.
Sources for more information on Shasta Lake are:
Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association (
Shasta Lake Chamber of Commerce (
Shasta Lake Business Owners (