"After an extensive year-long investigation, wildlife officers have uncovered the illegal activities of Valley Center resident Chad Freeman. Initially focused on Freeman's unlicensed fishing practices, it was revealed he had been selling sport-caught bluefin tuna to restaurants across San Diego County...
“Our public lands are vital for the survival of wildlife, to fuel rural economies, and preserve our sporting traditions,” said Aaron Kindle, director of sporting advocacy at the National Wildlife Federation. “At a time when our public lands have come under attack...
“These agencies are pursuing ever-greater angling restrictions in the form of expanded no-take marine protected areas and other restrictions in the erroneous belief that recreational fishermen represent a threat to the environment in general and biodiversity in particular,” he explains. “At...
"In total, the suspects were cited for an overlimit of lobsters (22 total lobsters), undersized lobsters (20 undersized lobsters), unmarked hoop nets, failure to prefill a lobster report card and for tampering with commercial lobster traps."...
“As climate-driven disruptions to California’s ecosystems continue to evolve, so must our efforts to support the critical work our partners are doing to restore and protect habitat throughout our rivers and streams,” said CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham. “Supporting these restoration...
Last August, smack dab in the middle of a typical Sacramento-area heat wave, I arranged to meet up with fishing guide Dakota Townley for a morning of kokanee fishing at Whiskeytown Lake. I had never been to Whiskeytown before, but I...