Davis & Associates: “Deep Roots in the Firearms’ Industry”



Davis & Associates (D&A) has deep roots in the firearm industry, going back to its owner’s, Jason Davis, familial legacy.  Beginning in the late 1960?s, Jason Davis’ family began manufacturing inexpensive firearms in the Southern California region.  Beginning with his grandfather’s business, Raven Arms, the family’s businesses grew exponentially with the additions of Davis Industries, Jennings Firearms, Bryco Arms, Republic Arms, Phoenix Arms, Sedco, and more.  Two decades later, his family’s businesses dominated the handgun market, producing a substantial percentage of all handguns manufactured in the United States.



Success breeds contempt, and the anti-gun movement soon began a propaganda campaign to demonize low income firearms and the manufacturers, dubbing the businesses “The Ring of Fire” based upon their geographic locations in Southern California.

Subsequently, municipalities passed laws that were designed and intended to prohibit the sale of inexpensive firearms – barring a whole entire socio-economic class from exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms.  Most of those laws have since been repealed, but their message was clear: if we do not stand up for our right to bear arms, that right will be diminished.  Having worked as a firearms manufacturer during this period, Jason Davis joined in the fight by obtaining his law degree from Loyola Law School and representing a number of firearms manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and associations in their ongoing campaign to effectuate the most fundamental right of all.  By adopting the “Ring of Fire” label as his own, Jason Davis shows his support for his family’s heritage and wears “The Ring of Fire” logo as a badge of honor.


With over twenty-three years of experience in the firearms industry, D&A has developed the relationships and understanding of firearms and dangerous weapons laws necessary to succeed in this highly political environment.  D&A fights hard to defend your right to bear arms, challenging federal, state, and local laws and regulations in both the court houses and regulatory proceedings.  D&A has experience representing multiple leading firearms rights associations, most recently the CalGuns Foundation, in Civil Rights litigation and policy issues.  D&A has also represented various law enforcement agencies and officers, industry trade associations, gun shows, importers, manufacturers, distributors, dealers, indoor and outdoor shooting ranges, special effects companies, prop houses, armories, pyro-technicians, and individuals who face federal and state licensing, permits, and compliance issues or criminal charges.  We know the details and background behind California’s gun laws.  And, we know the people enforcing those laws.


Look to Davis & Associates for advice regarding:


Opinion Letters

Destructive Devices

Curio & Relics

.50 BMG Rifles


Assault Weapons

Short-Barreled Rifles/Shotguns


Civil Litigation

ATF Hearings

Machine Guns

Design Consultations

Bill Analysis


Restoration of rights

& More!


Call for a consultation.


Attorneys at Law

T: (949) 436-GUNS [4867]

C: (949) 310-0817
F: (949) 288-6894
Website: www.CalGunLawyers.com 

27201 Puerta Real, Suite 300
Mission Viejo, California 92691TEMECULA OFFICES

41593 Winchester Rd., Suite 200
Temecula, CA 92590