Last year, during the months of November and December, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) responded to numerous home invasions of both occupied and unoccupied residences....
"I was very fortunate to grow up in the Sonoma Valley and as a kid caught numerous trout in our local creeks, so it's very important to me that we "farm lightly" and continue to maintain and enhance the environment with...
“Bullards has a nice little trout population, but your success is really dependent on the time of the year,” explains Brady. “Late fall through early spring is the best time to concentrate on the trout. The fish are primarily rainbows and...
The collaborative strategy for monarchs includes activities such as outreach and education, targeted conservation of monarch habitat on installations within overwintering, core breeding and the migratory range of the butterfly, and encourages creation and establishment of habitat across all military lands....
challenges still stand in the path of species recovery. All four species suffer from historical habitat loss and degradation and the effects of climate change—drought, warming water temperatures, and increasing frequency and intensity of wildfire....