So the story goes, back in the 1960s down in Georgia, a hunting dog chased a raccoon up inside a hollow tree. The determined dog wouldn’t give up from chasing the coon farther up, so it eventually got stuck. Back to...
Probably not the scenario to be in for a hiker, but what if you’re on a hike. And, you get this feeling that something is near you, not by another human but by a pack of howling coyotes. When we hear...
Is this invention the problem-solver of dead baitfish? Called the Zombait, it just may become the next big-selling bait enhancer. How a 31-year-old quit his job to make 'zombie' fish This guy quit his job and is bringing dead fish back...
Now, this is something you don’t see every day. Many a man would scream sooner than do what this young lady did. DIY stuff is big these days. There are more articles, how to’s, and DIY ideas than you can shake...
Sitting in a 10-20 foot deer stand has some dangers, but don’t let this be one. Many people are married, and many of those people hunt. Word to the wise… buy a QALO ring, or just leave your wedding ring at...
What happens when you put a gutted, dead fish back in the water? Apparently it swims on its own! Maybe, its like the chicken running around after the head has been chopped off. This video footage of a fish that has...