Arnold Goes Full Terminator On California’s Drilling Possbilities
I don’t think former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was not auditoning for another James Cameron film when the actor-turned-politician-turned-actor went all True Lies and Terminator 2. The White House’s offshore drilling proposals for California has brought plenty of opposition.
Our California coastline is threatened by offshore oil drilling
— LB Press-Telegram (@presstelegram) January 23, 2018
But when Arnold talks (or at least tweets), people pay attention., especially when a colleague in politics who’s also dabbled in the entertainment industry is the target.
Don’t touch California. If you want to drill, do it off Mar-a-Lago. Or better yet, look to the future, follow CA’s lead & go green and we can all breathe easier. The US’s largest economy is nearly 50% renewable. #ProtectThePacific
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 22, 2018
Our fishing, tourism, and recreation industries employ hundreds of thousands of great people. Our coasts are an economic gold mine. Do not put them at risk.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 22, 2018