Trespasser on private land during hunting season occurs how its handled is another subject. This video illustrates a land owner way of lettin a trespasser know that they’re on private land. We at Cal Sportsman are not condoning with the land...
What rifle calibers are you stockpiling? If you were going to pick a rifle caliber for a long term SHTF situation, what would that caliber be? For some reason I woke up this morning thinking about my 7mm express / 280...
Duck Hunter Killing time Rather than Killing Waterfowl Here’s an excerpt from Phil Bourjaily of Field & Stream on 3 Rules of Waterfowl Hunting that he likes to abide by. 1. Scout fields yourself. Don’t rely on second-hand intelligence. 2. If...
Duck hunting season is here and one method of tactics used in luring ducks to you is duck calling. There are many ways to go about this depending on who you ask and the area that you’re from. Joe Balog from...
The following information is compiled from National Shooting Sports Foundation and Sports Day. Since 2000, hunting participation by females has risen dramatically in the U.S. In the first year of the new millennium, 5,264 females passed the mandatory hunter education course....