Frozen Deer, Is it that Cold Out?

Winter storms hitting most areas of the country, guess being a wild animal can be tough.
What’s worse—burning alive or freezing to death? Probably go with the latter, as the time it takes for the cold to wrap around your skin, blood vessels, and organs is much longer and more painful that being engulfed in flames.

The image of the frozen deer, which was uploaded a while back on reddit, shows a young buck standing in deep snow. It’s believed that the buck was propped up by a passerby hoping to cause a fright with the eventual onlookers who would later use the road.

The image is, chilling.

Judging by the comments on the reddit post, this kind of practice is nothing new. Here is a photo of a a young bull elk from an unknown part of the country, frozen in time.


Not to be left behind, in the warmer months a few nefarious jokers seem to enjoy placing ‘Get Well Soon’ balloons on deer roadkill.


While it may seem humorous to some, shouldn’t we be a good samaritan and notify the proper authorities for removal.

As always we encourage you to stay warm and keep your dogs/animals inside when it gets too cold, lest they become one of nature’s victims, like the frozen buck who met his match.

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Story by Celby Richoux revised by CalSports