National Park Service Accepting Comments Over Point Reyes Elk Herd Fence Issue
The following is courtesy of Turtle Island Restoration Network:

The National Park Service is receiving public comments regarding its management plan for tule elk currently held behind a fence at Tomales Point in Point Reyes National Seashore. Confined behind the fence, there have been massive die-offs, especially during drought years, where they are cut off from adequate water sources. The ecological health of the Seashore is tied to the re-wilding of this iconic species.
It is time to let these magnificent wild animals roam free in our National Seashore.
Please take action today. It only takes a minute or two.
The comment period ends on September 25, 2023. Please join us in asking the Park Service to remove the 8-foot fence that dooms native tule elk to slow and painful deaths during recurring drought periods.
It is easy to comment, but you must do so on the NPS web page.
You can simply copy/paste some of the points below, though adding a personal touch to your message makes your comments more effective. There is more information at our blog at and at the Park Service link above.

Points to make:
- Please execute Alternative B, Unconfined Elk Herd and Pierce Ranch Core Area.
- Thank you, National Park Service, for finally listening to the overwhelming voice of the public and removing the elk fence from Point Reyes. Fences are inappropriate in wilderness, and cattle should not be prioritized over wild animals.
- Confined native elk dying of thirst and malnutrition in a National Park is not acceptable.
- Once the elk fence is removed allowing the elk to roam freely, steps should be taken to avoid any culling, hazing, or harassment of the elk for any reason.
- Cattle operations are no longer appropriate in Point Reyes and should be ceased to honor the true charter of our Seashore, stated in the Point Reyes Enabling Legislation as “the maximum protection, restoration, and preservation of the natural environment within the area,” and in the Organic Act of 1916 as to “provide for the enjoyment of the scenery, natural and historic objects, and wildlife in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”
Thank You for taking action! Together we can protect the ecology and wildlife of our National Seashore!