Check Out These Sacramento-Area Fishing In The City Events

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is hosting more Fishing in the City events over the next week. Here is a list of what’s coming, including a virtual bass fishing tutorial tonight.
Free Upcoming Fishing in the City events:
1. Wednesday, 9/14, Virtual Program, 6-7pm. Topic: Bass Fishing
We’ll discuss how to get started [or just get better at] fishing for these favorite local gamefish. Open to all.
2. Friday, 9/16, In-Person Clinic, 3-7pm, Howe Community Park.
Beginner clinic for ages 5+*. Participants will learn on and use beginner fishing gear. Pre-registration required.
3. Wednesday, 9/21, Virtual Program, 6-7pm. Topic: Bank Fishing
We’ll discuss how to be successful [and safe] at fishing from the bank for various fish species. Open to all.
To log in, register for, or read more about any of these events, visit
*A valid California fishing license is required for anglers ages 16 and older