The role of Dad in your hunting/fishing life


By Joel Shangle

With Father’s Day fast approaching, it seems like a great time to recognize and salute all the men who have played important roles in our lives as hunters/anglers.

Chris and Dad huntingI can say with unabashed enthusiasm that my first, best hunting partner didn’t own a stitch of camo beside a John Deere baseball cap, only “scouted” for deer season while moving cattle from mountain meadow to mountain meadow, and had the worst case of buck fever I’ve ever seen (despite qualifying as an expert marksman in the Marines).

My Dad, though he’s never been a hunting fanatic, introduced me to the world of guns, shooting, hunting and appreciation for the craft of being in the woods, and I’ll forever be grateful.

The attached photo is of myself and my oldest boy, Chris, on his very first hunt: chukar in east-central Nevada. That gun I’m holding was given to my by my great uncle, and Chris’s Red Ryder BB gun was given to him by, you guessed it, my Dad.

I want to hear from all of you, and see your photos of you and your Dad hunting and fishing together. It’s all part of a two-week celebration of Father’s Day, and the importance of the great dads, grandfathers, uncles, etc., who have given us the gifts that we so cherish as hunters and anglers.

Take advantage of our fantastic Father’s Day by clicking on this subscription special (seen on this page), or hit the California Sportsman Magazine Facebook page, or email me at

And thanks, Dad.